MCBooster  1.0.1
Tool to generate MC phase space samples in parallel.
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CMCBooster::Calculate< FUNCTION, RESULT >
 CMCBooster::Calculate2< FUNCTION >
 CMCBooster::Calculate3< FUNCTION >
 CMCBooster::EventsEvents is a container struct to hold all the information corresponding the generated events
 CMCBooster::FlagAcceptRejectFlags generated events as accepted (1) or rejected (0)
 CMCBooster::IFunction< RESULT >IFunction is the base class for arbitrary functions return any type suported by the framwork
 CMCBooster::PhaseSpaceImplementation of the event generator
 CMCBooster::RandGenFill a given vector with random numbers between 0 and 1
 Cstrided_range< Iterator >Strided range iterator original code:
 Cstrided_range< Iterator >::stride_functor