MCBooster  1.0.1
Tool to generate MC phase space samples in parallel.
MCBooster Namespace Reference


struct  Calculate
struct  Calculate2
struct  Calculate3
struct  DecayMother
struct  DecayMothers
struct  Events
 Events is a container struct to hold all the information corresponding the generated events. More...
struct  FlagAcceptReject
 Flags generated events as accepted (1) or rejected (0). More...
struct  IFunction
 IFunction is the base class for arbitrary functions return any type suported by the framwork. More...
struct  IFunctionArray
struct  isAccepted
class  PhaseSpace
 Implementation of the event generator. More...
struct  RandGen
 Fill a given vector with random numbers between 0 and 1. More...
struct  RandGen2
class  Vector3R
class  Vector4R


template<typename T >
using mc_device_vector = thrust::host_vector< T >
 Generic template typedef for thrust::host_vector. More...
template<typename T >
using mc_host_vector = thrust::host_vector< T >
 Generic template typedef for thrust::host_vector. More...
typedef thrust::complex< GReal_tGComplex_t
typedef mc_host_vector< Vector4RFourVectors_h
 Typedef for complex number. More...
typedef mc_host_vector< Vector3RThreeVectors_h
 Vector4R host vector. More...
typedef mc_host_vector< GBool_tBoolVector_h
 Vector3R host vector. More...
typedef mc_host_vector< GReal_tRealVector_h
 Typedef for a GBool_t host vector. More...
typedef mc_host_vector< GComplex_tComplexVector_h
 Typedef for a GReal_t host vector. More...
typedef mc_host_vector< Vector4RParticles_h
 Typedef for a GComplex_t host vector. More...
typedef vector< Particles_h * > ParticlesSet_h
 Typedef for a Vector4R host vector. More...
typedef vector< RealVector_h * > VariableSet_h
 Typedef for a STL vector of pointers to host Particles_h vectors . More...
typedef mc_device_vector< GBool_tBoolVector_d
 Typedef for a STL vector of pointers to host RealVector_h vectors. More...
typedef mc_device_vector< GReal_tRealVector_d
 Typedef for a GBool_t device vector. More...
typedef mc_device_vector< GComplex_tComplexVector_d
 Typedef for a GReal_t device vector. More...
typedef mc_device_vector< Vector4RParticles_d
 Typedef for a GComplex_t device vector. More...
typedef vector< Particles_d * > ParticlesSet_d
 Typedef for a Vector4R device vector. More...
typedef vector< RealVector_d * > VariableSet_d
 Typedef for a STL vector of pointers to device Particles_d vectors. More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT1
 Typedef for a STL vector of pointers to device RealVector_d vectors. More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT2
 GT2 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT3
 GT3 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT4
 GT4 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT5
 GT5 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT6
 GT6 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,Vector4R &,...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT7
 GT7 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GT8
 GT8 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type > GT9
 GT9 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R & > GT10
 GT10 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &,Vector4R &> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR2
 GTR2 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR3
 GTR3 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR4
 GTR4 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR5
 GTR5 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR6
 GTR6 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR7
 GTR7 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type > GTR8
 GTR8 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type > GTR9
 GTR9 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R & > GTR10
 GTR10 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, ...> More...
typedef char GChar_t
 Signed Character 1 byte (char) More...
typedef unsigned char GUChar_t
 Unsigned Character 1 byte (unsigned char) More...
typedef short GShort_t
 Signed Short integer 2 bytes (short) More...
typedef unsigned short GUShort_t
 Unsigned Short integer 2 bytes (unsigned short) More...
typedef int GInt_t
 Signed integer 4 bytes (int) More...
typedef unsigned int GUInt_t
 Unsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int) More...
typedef long GLong_t
 Signed long integer 4 bytes (long) More...
typedef unsigned long GULong_t
typedef float GFloat_t
 Float 4 bytes (float) More...
typedef double GDouble_t
 Double 8 bytes. More...
typedef long double GLongDouble_t
 Long Double. More...
typedef char GText_t
 General string (char) More...
typedef bool GBool_t
 Boolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool) More...
typedef unsigned char GByte_t
 Byte (8 bits) (unsigned char) More...
typedef long long GLong64_t
 Portable signed long integer 8 bytes. More...
typedef unsigned long long GULong64_t
 Portable unsigned long integer 8 bytes. More...
typedef double GReal_t
 Double 8 bytes or float 4 bytes. More...


template<typename CUSTOMFUNC , typename RESULT >
void Evaluate (const CUSTOMFUNC funcObj, ParticlesSet_d &pset, mc_host_vector< RESULT > &eval)
 Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object. More...
template<typename CUSTOMFUNC , typename RESULT >
void Evaluate (const CUSTOMFUNC funcObj, ParticlesSet_d &pset, mc_device_vector< RESULT > dev_out)
 Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object. More...
template<typename CUSTOMFUNC >
void Evaluate (const CUSTOMFUNC funcObj, ParticlesSet_d &pset)
 Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object. More...
template<typename CUSTOMFUNC >
void EvaluateArray (const CUSTOMFUNC funcObj, ParticlesSet_d &pset, VariableSet_h &varset)
 Template functor for calculate an array of variables over a given set of particles. More...
timespec time_diff (timespec start, timespec end)
 Function to calculate time intervals in seconds. More...
Vector3R operator* (GReal_t c, const Vector3R &v2)
Vector3R operator* (const Vector3R &v1, GReal_t c)
Vector3R operator/ (const Vector3R &v1, GReal_t c)
GReal_t operator* (const Vector3R &v1, const Vector3R &v2)
Vector3R operator+ (const Vector3R &v1, const Vector3R &v2)
Vector3R operator- (const Vector3R &v1, const Vector3R &v2)
Vector3R rotateEuler (const Vector3R &v, GReal_t alpha, GReal_t beta, GReal_t gamma)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const Vector3R &v)
Vector3R cross (const Vector3R &p1, const Vector3R &p2)
Vector4R rotateEuler (const Vector4R &rs, GReal_t alpha, GReal_t beta, GReal_t gamma)
Vector4R boostTo (const Vector4R &rs, const Vector4R &p4, bool inverse=false)
Vector4R boostTo (const Vector4R &rs, const Vector3R &boost, bool inverse=false)
Vector4R operator* (GReal_t c, const Vector4R &v2)
Vector4R operator* (const Vector4R &v2, GReal_t c)
Vector4R operator/ (const Vector4R &v2, GReal_t c)
GReal_t operator* (const Vector4R &v1, const Vector4R &v2)
Vector4R operator- (const Vector4R &v1, const Vector4R &v2)
Vector4R operator+ (const Vector4R &v1, const Vector4R &v2)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const Vector4R &v)


const GBool_t kTrue = true
const GBool_t kFalse = false

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 112 of file GContainers.h.

Use it to store four-vectors at host.

Definition at line 102 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 96 of file GContainers.h.

typedef bool MCBooster::GBool_t

Definition at line 45 of file GTypes.h.

typedef unsigned char MCBooster::GByte_t

Definition at line 46 of file GTypes.h.

typedef char MCBooster::GChar_t

Definition at line 33 of file GTypes.h.

typedef thrust::complex<GReal_t> MCBooster::GComplex_t

Definition at line 92 of file GContainers.h.

typedef double MCBooster::GDouble_t

Definition at line 42 of file GTypes.h.

typedef float MCBooster::GFloat_t

Definition at line 41 of file GTypes.h.

typedef int MCBooster::GInt_t

Definition at line 37 of file GTypes.h.

typedef long long MCBooster::GLong64_t

Definition at line 47 of file GTypes.h.

typedef long MCBooster::GLong_t

Definition at line 39 of file GTypes.h.

typedef long double MCBooster::GLongDouble_t

Definition at line 43 of file GTypes.h.

typedef double MCBooster::GReal_t

Definition at line 52 of file GTypes.h.

typedef short MCBooster::GShort_t

Definition at line 35 of file GTypes.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT1

GT1 iterator is a typedef for thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &,...>

Definition at line 124 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &> MCBooster::GT10

Definition at line 175 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT2

Definition at line 130 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT3

Definition at line 136 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT4

Definition at line 142 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT5

Definition at line 148 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT6

Definition at line 154 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT7

Definition at line 159 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT8

Definition at line 164 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GT9

Definition at line 170 of file GContainers.h.

typedef char MCBooster::GText_t

Definition at line 44 of file GTypes.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &> MCBooster::GTR10

Definition at line 235 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR2

Definition at line 184 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR3

Definition at line 193 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR4

Definition at line 202 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR5

Definition at line 210 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR6

Definition at line 215 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR7

Definition at line 220 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR8

Definition at line 225 of file GContainers.h.

typedef thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references<GReal_t &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, Vector4R &, thrust::null_type> MCBooster::GTR9

Definition at line 230 of file GContainers.h.

typedef unsigned char MCBooster::GUChar_t

Definition at line 34 of file GTypes.h.

typedef unsigned int MCBooster::GUInt_t

Definition at line 38 of file GTypes.h.

typedef unsigned long long MCBooster::GULong64_t

Definition at line 48 of file GTypes.h.

typedef unsigned long MCBooster::GULong_t

Definition at line 40 of file GTypes.h.

typedef unsigned short MCBooster::GUShort_t

Definition at line 36 of file GTypes.h.

template<typename T >
using MCBooster::mc_device_vector = typedef thrust::host_vector<T>

Use it instead of Thrust implementation in order to avoid problems to compile OpenMP based applications using gcc and without a cuda runtime installation.

Definition at line 60 of file GContainers.h.

template<typename T >
using MCBooster::mc_host_vector = typedef thrust::host_vector<T>

Use it instead of Thrust implementation in order to avoid problems to compile OpenMP based applications using gcc and without a cuda runtime installation. mc_host_vectot will always allocate page locked memory on CUDA backends in order to maximize speed in memory transfers to the device.

Definition at line 68 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 115 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 105 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 116 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 106 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 113 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 103 of file GContainers.h.

Use it to store four-vectors at host.

Definition at line 97 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 117 of file GContainers.h.

Definition at line 107 of file GContainers.h.

Function Documentation

Vector4R MCBooster::boostTo ( const Vector4R rs,
const Vector4R p4,
bool  inverse = false 

Definition at line 305 of file Vector4R.h.

References MCBooster::Vector4R::applyBoostTo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector4R MCBooster::boostTo ( const Vector4R rs,
const Vector3R boost,
bool  inverse = false 

Definition at line 314 of file Vector4R.h.

References MCBooster::Vector4R::applyBoostTo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector3R MCBooster::cross ( const Vector3R p1,
const Vector3R p2 

Definition at line 243 of file Vector3R.h.

template<typename CUSTOMFUNC , typename RESULT >
void MCBooster::Evaluate ( const CUSTOMFUNC  funcObj,
ParticlesSet_d pset,
mc_host_vector< RESULT > &  eval 

Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object over the a set of particles stored in the device. Results are returned to the host via a given mc_host_vector. Datasets with up to nine particles can be handled.

Definition at line 50 of file Evaluate.h.

template<typename CUSTOMFUNC , typename RESULT >
void MCBooster::Evaluate ( const CUSTOMFUNC  funcObj,
ParticlesSet_d pset,
mc_device_vector< RESULT >  dev_out 

Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object over the a set of particles stored in the device. Results are returned to the device via a given mc_device_vector. Datasets with up to nine particles can be handled.

Definition at line 280 of file Evaluate.h.

template<typename CUSTOMFUNC >
void MCBooster::Evaluate ( const CUSTOMFUNC  funcObj,
ParticlesSet_d pset 

Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object over the a set of particles stored in the device. No results are returned. This function is used to modify the particles in the input dataset. Datasets with up to nine particles can be handled.

Definition at line 506 of file Evaluate.h.

template<typename CUSTOMFUNC >
void MCBooster::EvaluateArray ( const CUSTOMFUNC  funcObj,
ParticlesSet_d pset,
VariableSet_h varset 

Template functor for evaluate an arbitrary function object over the a set of particles stored in the device. The function is supposed to evaluate at once many variables and the results are returned to the host via a given VariableSet_h. Datasets with up to nine particles can be handled.

Definition at line 51 of file EvaluateArray.h.

Vector3R MCBooster::operator* ( GReal_t  c,
const Vector3R v2 

Definition at line 122 of file Vector3R.h.

Vector3R MCBooster::operator* ( const Vector3R v1,
GReal_t  c 

Definition at line 128 of file Vector3R.h.

GReal_t MCBooster::operator* ( const Vector3R v1,
const Vector3R v2 

Definition at line 140 of file Vector3R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::operator* ( GReal_t  c,
const Vector4R v2 

Definition at line 165 of file Vector4R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::operator* ( const Vector4R v2,
GReal_t  c 

Definition at line 171 of file Vector4R.h.

GReal_t MCBooster::operator* ( const Vector4R v1,
const Vector4R v2 

Definition at line 206 of file Vector4R.h.

Vector3R MCBooster::operator+ ( const Vector3R v1,
const Vector3R v2 

Definition at line 146 of file Vector3R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::operator+ ( const Vector4R v1,
const Vector4R v2 

Definition at line 225 of file Vector4R.h.

Vector3R MCBooster::operator- ( const Vector3R v1,
const Vector3R v2 

Definition at line 152 of file Vector3R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::operator- ( const Vector4R v1,
const Vector4R v2 

Definition at line 219 of file Vector4R.h.

Vector3R MCBooster::operator/ ( const Vector3R v1,
GReal_t  c 

Definition at line 134 of file Vector3R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::operator/ ( const Vector4R v2,
GReal_t  c 

Definition at line 177 of file Vector4R.h.

ostream& MCBooster::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Vector3R v 

Definition at line 234 of file Vector3R.h.

ostream& MCBooster::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Vector4R v 

Definition at line 345 of file Vector4R.h.

Vector4R MCBooster::rotateEuler ( const Vector4R rs,
GReal_t  alpha,
GReal_t  beta,
GReal_t  gamma 

Definition at line 295 of file Vector4R.h.

References MCBooster::Vector4R::applyRotateEuler().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Vector3R MCBooster::rotateEuler ( const Vector3R v,
GReal_t  alpha,
GReal_t  beta,
GReal_t  gamma 

Definition at line 200 of file Vector3R.h.

References MCBooster::Vector3R::applyRotateEuler().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

timespec MCBooster::time_diff ( timespec  start,
timespec  end 

Definition at line 92 of file Generate.h.

Referenced by MCBooster::PhaseSpace::Generate().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

const GBool_t MCBooster::kFalse = false

Definition at line 62 of file GTypes.h.

const GBool_t MCBooster::kTrue = true

Definition at line 61 of file GTypes.h.

Referenced by MCBooster::PhaseSpace::Unweight().