►Nhydra | Generic policies definition |
►Ndetail | |
►Nconvolution | |
C_delta | |
C_traits | |
C_traits< hydra::thrust::tuple< Functor, Kernel >, ArgType > | |
CFunctorSampler | |
CKernelSampler | |
CMultiplyFFT | |
CNormalizeFFT | |
►Ncufft | |
C_Deleter | |
C_PlanDestroyer | |
C_PlanExecutor | |
C_Planner | |
►Nfa_impl | |
C_is_function_argument | |
C_is_function_argument< hydra::thrust::device_reference< T >, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::function_argument_type > > | |
C_is_function_argument< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::function_argument_type > > | |
►Nfftw | |
C_Deleter | |
C_PlanDestroyer | |
C_PlanExecutor | |
C_Planner | |
►Nimpl | |
Cexact_signed_base_helper | |
Cexact_signed_base_helper< sizeof(signed char) *CHAR_BIT > | |
Cexact_unsigned_base_helper | |
Cexact_unsigned_base_helper< sizeof(unsigned char) *CHAR_BIT > | |
Cint_least_helper | |
Cint_least_helper< 1 > | |
Cint_least_helper< 2 > | |
Cint_least_helper< 3 > | |
Cint_least_helper< 4 > | |
Cint_least_helper< 5 > | |
Cuint_least_helper | |
Cuint_least_helper< 1 > | |
Cuint_least_helper< 2 > | |
Cuint_least_helper< 3 > | |
Cuint_least_helper< 4 > | |
Cuint_least_helper< 5 > | |
►Nrandom | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_iterable | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_matching_iterable | |
►Nrange | |
CShift | |
►Nstuple_impl | |
Cstripped_tuple_impl | |
Cstripped_tuple_impl< hydra::tuple< T... >, hydra::tuple< > > | |
Cstripped_tuple_impl< Tuple, hydra::tuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
►Ntuple_utility | |
Cdo_tuple | |
Cflat_tuple | |
C_merge_and_renumber | |
C_merge_and_renumber< index_sequence< I1... >, index_sequence< I2... > > | |
CAddPdfBase | |
CAddPdfChecker | |
CAddPdfFunctor | |
CAddResultGenzMalikBoxes | |
CAddStatsPHSP | |
Call_true | |
Call_true<> | |
Cappend_to_type_seq | |
Cappend_to_type_seq< T, TT< Ts... > > | |
Care_base_of | |
Care_base_of< Base, T > | |
Care_iterables | |
Care_iterators | |
CAverageMother | |
CAverageMothers | |
CBackendPolicy | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Cpp > | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Cuda > | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Device > | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Host > | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Omp > | |
CBackendPolicy< Backend::Tbb > | |
Cbool_pack | |
►CCanConvert | |
CTo | |
CCaster | |
CCheckEnergy | |
CCompareGenzMalikBoxes | |
CCompareTuples | |
CCompositeBase | |
Cconditions_and | |
Cconditions_and< Cond, Conds... > | |
CCovMatrixBinary | |
►CCovMatrixUnary | |
Cindex | |
CDecayMother | |
CDecayMothers | |
Cdimensionality | |
Cdivide_result | |
CEvalMother | |
CEvalMothers | |
CEvalOnDaughters | |
CEvalOnDaughtersBinary | |
CFCNWeightsReducerUnary | |
CFFTPolicy | |
CFFTPolicy< T, detail::CuFFT > | |
CFFTPolicy< T, detail::FFTW > | |
Cfind_unique_type | |
Cfind_unique_type_impl | |
Cfind_unique_type_impl< I, T > | |
Cfind_unique_type_impl< I, T, T, Types... > | |
Cfind_unique_type_impl< I, T, U, Types... > | |
CFlagAcceptReject | Flags generated events as accepted (1) or rejected (0) |
CFlagDaugthers | |
Cfunction_traits | |
►Cfunction_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args &...)> | |
Carg | |
►Cfunction_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const > | |
Carg | |
CFunctionArgument | |
Cfunctor_traits | |
Cfunctor_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) > | |
Cfunctor_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const > | |
CGenerateDecay | |
CGenzMalikBox | |
CGenzMalikBoxResult | |
CGetAxisBinCenter | |
CGetBinCenter | |
CGetBinCenter< T, 1 > | |
CGetGlobalBin | |
CGetGlobalBin< 1, T > | |
CGetSWeight | |
Cgray_code | |
Chas_rng_formula | |
Chas_rng_formula< Functor, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename hydra::RngFormula< Functor >::value_type > > | |
Chigh_bit_mask_t | |
Cif_then_else | |
Cif_then_else< false, T1, T2 > | |
Cif_then_else< true, T1, T2 > | |
Cif_then_else_tt | |
Cif_then_else_tt< false, T1, T2 > | |
Cif_then_else_tt< true, T1, T2 > | |
Cindex_in_tuple | |
Cindex_in_tuple< Type, hydra::thrust::tuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
Cindex_sequence | |
Cint_fast_t | |
Cint_t | |
Cis_device_reference | |
Cis_device_reference< hydra::thrust::device_reference< T > > | |
Cis_function_argument | |
Cis_function_argument< Arg, false > | |
Cis_function_argument< Arg, true > | |
Cis_function_argument< hydra::thrust::device_reference< Arg >, true > | |
Cis_function_argument_pack | |
Cis_homogeneous | |
Cis_homogeneous_base | |
Cis_homogeneous_base< A, Tp, 0 > | |
Cis_hydra_composite_functor | |
Cis_hydra_composite_functor< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::hydra_composed_functor_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_convertible_to_tuple | |
Cis_hydra_convertible_to_tuple< T, typename tag_type< typename T::hydra_convertible_to_tuple_tag >::type > | |
Cis_hydra_dense_histogram | |
Cis_hydra_dense_histogram< hydra::DenseHistogram< T, N, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, D > > | |
Cis_hydra_estimator | |
Cis_hydra_estimator< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::likelihood_estimator_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_functor | |
Cis_hydra_functor< Functor, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename Functor::hydra_functor_type, typename Functor::argument_type, typename Functor::return_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_integrator | |
Cis_hydra_integrator< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::hydra_integrator_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_lambda | |
Cis_hydra_lambda< Functor, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename Functor::hydra_lambda_type, typename Functor::argument_type, typename Functor::return_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_pdf | |
Cis_hydra_pdf< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename T::hydra_pdf_type > > | |
Cis_hydra_sparse_histogram | |
Cis_hydra_sparse_histogram< hydra::SparseHistogram< T, N, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, D > > | |
Cis_hydra_sum_pdf | |
Cis_hydra_sum_pdf< T, typename tag_type< typename T::hydra_sum_pdf_tag >::type > | |
Cis_instantiation_of | |
Cis_instantiation_of< Template, Template< Args... > > | |
Cis_intuple | |
Cis_intuple< T, hydra::tuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
Cis_intuple< T, hydra::tuple<> > | |
Cis_iterable | |
Cis_iterable< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(++std::declval< decltype(hydra::begin(std::declval< T >()))& >()), decltype(*hydra::begin(std::declval< T >())) > > | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< typename std::enable_if< std::is_default_constructible< T >::value, void >::type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< T >::value, void >::type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_destructible< T >::value, void >::type, decltype(std::declval< T & >()[0]), decltype(std::declval< T & >() -std::declval< T & >()), decltype(++std::declval< T & >()), decltype(*std::declval< T & >()), decltype(std::declval< T & >()==std::declval< T & >()), decltype(std::declval< T & >() !=std::declval< T & >())> > | |
Cis_reverse_iterable | |
Cis_reverse_iterable< T, hydra::thrust::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().rbegin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().rend()), decltype(++std::declval< decltype(hydra::rbegin(std::declval< T >()))& >()), decltype(*hydra::rbegin(std::declval< T >())) > > | |
Cis_rng_formula | |
Cis_rng_formula< hydra::RngFormula< Formula > > | |
Cis_specialization | |
Cis_specialization< REF< Args... >, REF > | |
Cis_tuple | |
Cis_tuple< hydra::tuple< T... > > | |
Cis_tuple_of_function_arguments | |
Cis_tuple_of_function_arguments< hydra::thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< ArgTypes &... > > | |
Cis_tuple_of_function_arguments< hydra::thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< hydra::thrust::device_reference< ArgTypes >... > > | |
Cis_tuple_of_function_arguments< hydra::thrust::tuple< ArgTypes... > > | |
Cis_tuple_type | |
Cis_tuple_type< hydra::thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< ArgTypes... > > | |
Cis_tuple_type< hydra::thrust::tuple< ArgTypes... > > | |
Cis_valid_type_pack | |
Cis_valid_type_pack< hydra::thrust::tuple< RefT... >, T... > | |
Cis_zip_iterator | |
Cis_zip_iterator< hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< T... > > | |
CisAccepted | |
CIteratorTraits | |
Clambda_traits | |
CLogLikelihood1 | |
CLogLikelihood2 | |
Clow_bits_mask_t | |
Clow_bits_mask_t< std::numeric_limits< unsigned char >::digits > | |
Cmake_index_sequence | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 0 > | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 1 > | |
Cmerged_tuple | |
Cmerged_tuple< hydra::tuple< T... > > | |
Cmerged_tuple< hydra::tuple< T... >, hydra::tuple< U... > > | |
Cmerged_tuple< hydra::tuple< T... >, hydra::tuple< U... >, Z... > | |
Cmerged_zip_iterator | |
Cmerged_zip_iterator< hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< T... > > | |
Cmerged_zip_iterator< hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< T... >, hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< U... > > | |
Cmerged_zip_iterator< hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< T... >, hydra::thrust::zip_iterator< U... >, Z... > | |
Cminus_result | |
Cmultidimensional | |
Cmultiply_result | |
Cnearest_int | Round to nearest integer at compile time |
CObjSelector | |
CObjSelector< false > | |
CObjSelector< true > | |
CParameters | |
CParameters< 0 > | Specialization for no-parametrized functor |
CParametersCompositeFunctor | |
Cpower | |
Cpower< B, 0 > | |
CProcessBoxesVegas | |
CProcessCallsPlainBinary | |
CProcessCallsPlainUnary | |
CProcessCallsVegas | |
CProcessCallsVegas< FUNCTOR, NDimensions, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, IteratorBackendReal, IteratorBackendUInt, GRND > | |
CProcessGenzMalikBinaryCall | |
CProcessGenzMalikBox | |
CProcessGenzMalikUnaryCall | |
Cquasi_random_base | |
Crandom_traits | |
Crandom_traits< hydra_r123::Philox2x64 > | |
Crandom_traits< hydra_r123::Philox4x64 > | |
Crandom_traits< hydra_r123::Threefry2x64 > | |
Crandom_traits< hydra_r123::Threefry4x64 > | |
Creferences_tuple_type | |
Cremove_device_reference | |
Cremove_device_reference< hydra::thrust::device_reference< T > > | |
Cremove_device_reference< T & > | |
Crepeat | |
Crepeat< T, 0, TT > | |
CResultPHSP | |
CResultVegas | |
CRndBreitWigner | |
CRndCDF | |
CRndExp | |
CRndFlag | |
CRndGauss | |
CRndTrial | |
CRndTrial< T, GRND, FUNCTOR, 1 > | |
CRndUniform | |
CSampler | |
Cselected_tuple | |
Cselected_tuple< Selector, hydra::tuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
Cselected_tuple< Selector, hydra::tuple< Type > > | |
Csignature_traits | |
Csignature_traits< hydra::thrust::tuple< R, Args... > > | |
Csignature_traits< R(Args...)> | |
Csignature_type | |
Csignature_type_impl | |
Csobol_lattice | |
CSobolTable | |
CStatsPHSP | |
Cstripped_tuple | |
Cstripped_tuple< hydra::tuple< T... > > | |
Cstripped_type | |
Cstripped_type< Arg, false > | |
Cstripped_type< Arg, true > | |
Csum_result | |
CSWeights | |
Ctag_type | |
Ctrimmed_lambda_signature | |
Ctrimmed_lambda_signature< hydra::thrust::tuple< Head, Neck, Tail... > > | |
Ctuple_cat_type | |
Ctuple_cat_type< hydra::thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< T1... >, hydra::thrust::detail::tuple_of_iterator_references< T2... > > | |
Ctuple_cat_type< hydra::thrust::tuple< T1... >, hydra::thrust::tuple< T2... > > | |
Ctuple_type | |
CTypeTraits | |
CTypeTraits< hydra::thrust::complex< T > > | |
Cuint_t | |
Cunidimensional | |
►Nplaceholders | |
Cis_placeholder | |
Cis_placeholder< placeholder< I > > | |
Cplaceholder | |
►Nrandom | |
CEngineR123 | |
Csquares3 | |
Csquares4 | |
CAnalyticalIntegral | |
CAnalyticalIntegral< Functor, 1 > | |
CArgument | |
CArgusShape | Implementation describing the ARGUS background shape |
CBaseCompositeFunctor | |
CBaseCompositeFunctor< Composite, hydra::thrust::tuple< F1, F2, Fs... >, Signature > | |
CBaseCuFFT | |
CBaseFFTW | |
CBaseFunctor | Base class for all functors in hydra |
CBifurcatedGaussian | |
CBreitWignerLineShape | Breit-Wigner line shape for 3 body resonant decays \( A -> r c , r-> a b\) , where A is a "long-lived" particle and \( a, b\) and \(c\) are the final states |
CBreitWignerNR | |
CChebychev | The Chebyshev polynomials \( T_n \) (first kind) are polynomials with the largest possible leading coefficient, but subject to the condition that their absolute value on the interval [−1,1] is bounded by 1 |
CChiSquare | The chi-squared distribution (also chi-square or \( \chi^2 \) -distribution) with \( k \) degrees of freedom is the distribution of a sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables |
CComplexToComplexCuFFT | |
CComplexToComplexFFTW | |
CComplexToRealCuFFT | |
CComplexToRealFFTW | |
CCompose | |
CConstant | |
CConvolutionFunctor | |
CConvolutionFunctor< Functor, Kernel, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, detail::FFTPolicy< typename std::common_type< typename Functor::return_type, typename Kernel::return_type >::type, FFT >, ArgType > | |
CCosHelicityAngle | |
CCrystalBallShape | Implementation the Crystal Ball line shape |
CCubicSpiline |
A simple method for a one—dimensional interpolation on a given set of data points (xi, yi) |
CDecays | |
CDecays< hydra::tuple< Particles... >, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< Backend > > | This class provides storage for N-particle states |
CDeltaDMassBackground | |
CDenseHistogram | |
CDenseHistogram< T, 1, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, detail::unidimensional > | Class representing one-dimensional dense histogram |
CDenseHistogram< T, N, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, detail::multidimensional > | Class representing multidimensional dense histograms |
CDistribution | |
CDistribution< Class, false > | |
CDistribution< Functor, true > | |
CDivide | |
CDoubleExponential | Distribution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_distribution |
CExponential | Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function |
CFCN | FCN base class |
CFCN< Estimator< PDF, Iterator >, true > | |
CFCN< Estimator< PDF, Iterator, Iterators... >, true > | |
CFCN< hydra::thrust::tuple< FCN< ESTIMATORS >... >, false > | |
CGaussian |
Gaussian functions are often used to represent the probability density function of a normally distributed random variable with expected value \( \mu \) and variance \( \sigma \) |
►CGaussianKDE | |
CKernel | |
CGaussKronrodAdaptiveQuadrature | |
CGaussKronrodAdaptiveQuadrature< NRULE, NBIN, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | |
CGaussKronrodBinary | |
CGaussKronrodCall | |
CGaussKronrodQuadrature | |
CGaussKronrodQuadrature< NRULE, NBIN, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | |
CGaussKronrodRule | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector | |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 15 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 21 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 31 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 41 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 51 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodRuleSelector< 61 > | Rules for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
CGaussKronrodUnary | |
CGenzMalikQuadrature | |
CGenzMalikQuadrature< N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | Non-adaptive Genz-Malik multidimensional quadrature |
CGenzMalikRule | |
CGenzMalikRule< DIM, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | Class representing Genz-Malik rule |
CGenzMalikRuleBase | |
CIntegral | |
CIntegral< Algorithm, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula | |
CIntegrationFormula< ArgusShape< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< BifurcatedGaussian< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< BreitWignerNR< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< Chebychev< Order, ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< ChiSquare< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< CrystalBallShape< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< DeltaDMassBackground< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< DoubleExponential< ArgType >, 2 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< Exponential< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< Gaussian< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< Ipatia< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< JohnsonSU< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< LogNormal< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< Polynomial< Order, ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< TrapezoidalShape< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< TriangularShape< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIntegrationFormula< UniformShape< ArgType >, 1 > | |
CIpatia | Version of the Ipatia distribution as described in the reference https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2014.06.081 |
CJohnsonSU | |
CLambda | |
CLambda< LambdaType, 0 > | |
CLogLikelihoodFCN | |
CLogLikelihoodFCN< Pdf< Functor, Integrator >, IteratorD, IteratorW... > | |
CLogLikelihoodFCN< PDFSumExtendable< Pdfs... >, IteratorD, IteratorW... > | |
CLogLikelihoodFCN< PDFSumNonExtendable< Pdfs... >, IteratorD, IteratorW... > | |
CLogNormal | In probability theory, a log-normal (or lognormal) distribution is a continuous probability distribution of a random variable whose logarithm is normally distributed |
CM12PhaseSpaceLineShape | Two-body phase-space distribution for \( m_{12}\):
\[ \frac{dN}{dm_{m_12}} \propto q.p \]
CM12SqPhaseSpaceLineShape | Two-body phase-space distribution for \( m_{12}^2\):
\[ \frac{dN}{dm^2_{12}} \propto q.p/m^2_{12} \]
CMinus | |
Cmultiarray | |
Cmultiarray< T, N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | |
CMultiply | |
Cmultivector | |
Cmultivector< hydra::thrust::tuple< T... >, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | This class implements storage in SoA layouts for table where all elements have the same type |
Cnull_type | |
CNumericalIntegral | |
CParameter |
, |
CPdf | Class representing probability density functions |
CPDFSumExtendable | Class representing a pdf object built summing up other pdfs |
CPDFSumNonExtendable | Class representing a pdf object built summing a pdf adding other pdfs |
CPhaseSpace | This class implements phase-space Monte Carlo generation in hydra |
CPhaseSpaceIntegrator | |
CPhaseSpaceIntegrator< N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, GRND > | |
CPhaseSpaceReweight | |
CPhaseSpaceWeight | |
CPlain | |
CPlain< N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, GRND > | This class implements the Plain MC numerical integration algorithm in Hydra |
CPlainState | Simple structure to hold the results of the Plain MC numerical integration |
CPlanesDeltaAngle | This functor calculates the delta angle between decay plane of the particle with four-vector d2 and d3 (same plane) and h1 (other plane) |
CPolynomial |
From : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial |
CPrint | |
CProcessGaussKronrodAdaptiveQuadrature | |
CRange | |
CRange< Iterator > | |
CRange< Iterator, Functor > | |
CRealToComplexCuFFT | |
CRealToComplexFFTW | |
CRngBase | |
CRngFormula | |
CRngFormula< BifurcatedGaussian< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< BreitWignerNR< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< ChiSquare< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< Exponential< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< Gaussian< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< JohnsonSU< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< LogNormal< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< TrapezoidalShape< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< TriangularShape< ArgType > > | |
CRngFormula< UniformShape< ArgType > > | |
CScopedBuffer | |
CScopedBuffer< T, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | |
CSeedRNG | |
Csobol_engine | Instantiations of class template sobol. The sobol_engine uses the algorithm described in [Bratley+Fox, TOMS 14, 88 (1988)] and [Antonov+Saleev, USSR Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. 19, 252 (1980)] |
CSparseHistogram | |
CSparseHistogram< T, 1, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, detail::unidimensional > | Class representing one-dimensional sparse histogram |
CSparseHistogram< T, N, detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, detail::multidimensional > | Class representing multidimensional sparse histogram |
CSpline2DFunctor | |
CSpline3DFunctor | |
CSpline4DFunctor | |
CSplineFunctor | |
CSPlot | Implementation of {s}_{Plot} technique for statistical unfolding of sample containing events from different sources |
CSum | |
CThreeBodyMassThresholdBackground | |
CTrapezoidalShape | In probability theory and statistics, the trapezoidal distribution is a continuous probability distribution the graph of whose probability density function resembles a trapezoid |
CTriangularShape | From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_distribution |
CUniformShape | From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_distribution_(continuous) |
CUserParameters | Class implementing a interface to ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters |
CVegas | |
CVegas< N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND >, GRND > | Class to perform numerical integration using Vegas algorithm |
CVegasState | Class to hold resources and state of hydra::Vegas integration algorithm |
CVegasState< N, hydra::detail::BackendPolicy< BACKEND > > | Class to hold resources and state of hydra::Vegas integration algorithm |
CWignerDMatrix | Calculates the beta-term
\[ d^j_{mn}(beta) \]
in the matrix element of the finite rotation operator (Wigner's D-function), according to formula 4.3.4(eq |
CZemachFunction | Zemach's angular probability distribution for 3-body decays of spinless particle into spinless final states as a function of \(\theta\), the helicity angle: |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Ccommon_type< hydra::thrust::complex< T >, hydra::thrust::complex< U > > | |
Ccommon_type< hydra::thrust::complex< U >, T > | |
Ccommon_type< T, hydra::thrust::complex< U > > | |
CArgusShapeAnalyticalIntegral | Implementation of analytical integral for the ARGUS background shape with power = 0.5 |
CBreitWignerNR | Non-relativistic Breit-Wigner shape |
CCosTheta | This functor calculates the cosine of the helicity angle of the particle with four-vector D, which is daughter of the particle with four-vector Q and grand daughter of particle four-vector P |
Cbinary_function | |
Cdevice_execution_policy | |
Cexecution_policy | |
Chost_execution_policy | |
Cunary_function | |
CJohnsonSUShape | Implementation the JohnsonSU line shape |
CLogLikelihoodFCN< PDFSumExtendable< Pdfs::::::> | ...> |
CNonResonant | |
CNorm | |
Cparity | |
Cparity< L, false > | |
Cparity< L, true > | |
CResonance | |
CSpilineFunctor |
A simple method for a one—dimensional interpolation on a given set of data points (xi, yi) |